Critical Creative Reflection Blog
CCR - Google Docs 1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? The music video I made alongside my group is one very representative of the things people go through everyday across the globe. Our video looks at the way people grief and the effects the loss of a loved one may have on someone. The music video also looks at the way people age and change throughout their lifetime, but no matter what age a person may be they never lose love for a cherished one, especially a pet. The video does this with profound use of emotional lyrics/dialogue that bring nostalgia and flashbacks to the “good old days” which is a concept that everyone around the world feels and understands; the desire to want to go back in time. Our product represents a variety of different social groups and issues globally. One of the deepest struggles and issues our video represents is mental health. An issue that takes thousands of lives each year. Ou...