Storyboard for my Music Video

 Hi bloggers! This is our storyboard for our Music Video

Box 1: a little girl (Connie) and her dad walking their dog in the morning 

Box 2: Connie playing with her dog (Oliver) outside 

Box 3: Connie and Oliver watching TV on the couch 

Box 4: Connie giving Oliver a treat 

Box 5: (Flash forward a couple years) Connie waking up for school in the morning 

Box 6: Connie came back from school that day. Oliver was excited to see her 

Box 7: (A couple years later) Connie gets home one day, Oliver looks down, not feeling well 

Box 8: Connie takes him outside to the hammock and falls asleep 

Box 9: Next morning, Oliver did not want to eat. Connie went and told her dad because she was worried. 

Box 10: They took him to the vet to find out that he was very sick 

Box 11: Connie was really upset and didn't want to get out of bed 

Box 12: her friends surprised her and came over to cheer her up and got her to go out with them 


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