Production Blog: Filming for my Music Video

 Hey bloggers as you may already know I've been getting equipment ready to begin filming for my music video. Finally, as a group we have started filming and as of today we only have one day of filming left before we are finished and have the clips necessary to begin editing. We filmed at Constanza's house using various actors, props and costumes to get the video to look as natural as possible. I sed a white button up shirt and dress pants to make myself look more mature. This is because in our music video I have to play the role of the father of the girl. At first we spent a few minutes at first figuring out how to get Constanza's dog to cooperate with the camera to closely match the story board. The dog was very energetic and it took us about 4 or 5 different takes to finally solve the issue. We filmed near a lake and I walked down the neighborhood with the dog and my "daughter". Our next scene involved one of my group mates nick and he was dressed casually and was the neighbor next door. The next scene consisted of me, the daughter, and the dog continuing our stroll down the neighborhood and we encounter Nick (the neighbor) opening is mail box. When Nick looks up me and the daughter wave politely and continue strolling. We used various different types of shots and angles to make the filming to the highest quality. We used tracking shots in the first scene to keep all the subjects in frame. To keep the dog focused we had to use various toys and treats held by Constanza (the camera man). We also spent a few shots in Constanza's backyard to show development of the story. These scenes were composed of the young daughter lying in the grass playing with the dog and chasing it. We used these scenes to enhance the emotions generated by the song and to emphasize the nostalgic feeling. Lastly the group wrapped the first part of filming by transitioning to a new set of actors. This was done to show the girl aging with the dog as it wouldn't have made sense to continue using the same actor for all the phases in her life. Well that's all bloggers hope you enjoyed and have a wondrous day!!


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