Group Blog
Hey bloggers, it's finally time to begin this new and exciting opening sequence for a film. Throughout this week I've been thinking and trying to see ahead what I'm going to do and who I would decide to work with. I'm working with 3 others who I have worked with before and believe will get work done and contribute to the team. The members of my team are not in my media studies period but are very reliable outside of the school and are usually free and able to communicate with the group. The members I have chosen are Nick Z., Joao N., and Constanza C. I am well acquainted with everyone in my group and I am confident in our ability to synergize. We have not assigned roles yet and we have not thought out that far ahead into the opening sequence. However, as a group we have come up with a few ideas so far and have been working them out through a group chat on our cell phones. We first had to come up with a genre which took a relatively long time to get everyone on board and content with the genre we picked. We ranged from sad movies to comedies and romantic movies all debating our points and trying to pick a genre. We had a few good movies in mind but we ultimately could not pick a genre just yet. We spent a good amount of time on a face time call planning ideas for our opening sequence. The group had several ideas but without the proper research could not be done. We had planned to have a message in our sequence that was pretty cliche like time is treasure, and don't take your loved ones for granted. However, thinking as far ahead as a theme would only restrict our creative abilities and we would be far too fixed on a theme and not as focused on the quality of the sequence. The group and I are extremely motivated to make this our best work yet and to show people what we can do and create a captivating and interesting opening scene. I am particularly excited about beginning research as I get to watch some fantastic films and look into the minds of great directors. I would also like to go into a different direction with the sequence, something I've never done. This could be a different genre or a completely different style of filming, I'm not sure yet. But that's all bloggers thank you reading and hope you have a superb day!
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