Production Blog: Changes made from Film Review

 Hey bloggers and welcome back to the process of creating an opening sequence for a film. Today I will be editing my opening sequence in order to create the best sequence possible. I will be mostly using the feedback I received from my peer review in order to adjust my sequence. The main thing I will be working on is adjusting the volume of various scenes. This is in order to create smooth transitions between scenes and to make it seem more professional. One of the scenes with an extremely high volume was the scene shot in the car with loud music. A scene which contrasts wit this due to its extremely low volume were all of the scenes shot in the woods. The woods scenes were so quiet that it was hard to hear and understand the dialogue between the cast. I had to put the scenes into cap cut and manually adjust the volume of certain scenes in order for them to match. After I did this the sequence seemed much more harmonious and cohesive. The next step in my editing process was darkening my font. Tomas said he liked the titles in my peer review but one thing I forgot to mention was the color of the titles he wasn't particularly fond of. He liked the idea and the color red and he thought it was fitting for a thriller. What he didn't like was how vibrant the red was, it made the sequence appear almost unserious. I darkened the titles by a few shades and the end result was very promising. It made the sequence more ominous and frightening. This truly tied everything together and made the sequence characteristic of films I had previously studied like Final Destination. The last thing I adjusted was the saturation and lighting of some scenes that were hard to see or too bright. After I did this it was much clearer for the audience to see what was going on during the sequence. Well that's all bloggers and thank you for reading and hope you have a great day.


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