
 Hey bloggers I published my commercial and I felt pretty satisfied with the work I've done. This was one of the first times I have ever worked with a video editing software. I learned to use various technologies and websites that I had known about, but never really learned how to use. I uploaded my first ever YouTube video for this project. I learned to use Cap Cut which took a lot of practice but felt incredibly rewarding once I had gotten the project to work. I also had transferred videos and files from my phone to my computer for the first time, which I feel will come in handy for upcoming projects. One of the last and most important things I learned how to do was embed videos, all my life I had just been putting links everywhere and embedding is just much simpler and can make a website or project look much more professional.

During the creation of this commercial I also felt more informed about the composition and art of creating a project. It takes careful consideration and planning to create a project that you are satisfied with. It takes ups and downs to truly make a good project that you can feel proud of and present to the world. I learned all of these ideas and concepts with this one project alone. I did this through the production blogs I wrote about my struggles and my successes. With each production blog I wrote I always tried thinking ahead of what I might do next and what I could improve about my commercial. The creation of this project was carefully thought out and I did the project step by step as to not procrastinate and create a rushed commercial of lower quality.

I definitely feel as if there are many steps, I can take to make my project even better next time. I feel like my indecision with clips in my project led to my commercial being somewhat on the longer side. I should've been more executive with my commercial and cut some time out of my video clips towards the end. I also could research ways of embedding videos or maybe try and learn a new editing software as the video quality embedded on to blogger significantly dropped. I was also very restricted in my design options on the commercial as Cap Cut requires a membership for every one of their advanced features so selecting a different editing software could aesthetically improve my projects. I also felt like my clips were kind of random and spontaneous so in the next project I will definitely try to make it more cohesive and make it "flow" better. I also could have cropped the last clip of my commercial slightly better as it turned out to be pretty small when put into a YouTube video.

But overall, I feel like this project served as an incredible learning experience. It opened my eyes to the challenges and difficulties those in the film industry faced. I can only imagine what it's like if I felt stressed at times creating a makeshift 1 minute commercial for blogger. I also learned that talking to your peers is a great way to help advance your project and to talk to others having the same struggles as you. This project also allowed me to improve my problem-solving skills and to critically think to solve any electronical problems I had. It also got me accustomed to consistently working on something as it had been a long time since I had created a project that took more than a few weeks to complete. I cannot wait to do my upcoming music video and using what I've learned with this project and applying it to a group setting. That's all bloggers, thank you for reading and hope you have a splendid day!


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