Production Blog
Hey bloggers I'm back and I've made a few revisions to my commercial. Over these past days I've been working on my commercial, but I would be lying if I said everything was going completely smooth. Its been an emotional battle with Capcut, my phone, and the school internet while trying to work on this commercial. To start with one of these issues is that my memory on my phone is far too crowded for me to delete anything and sometimes I'm not even able to open my video as an insufficient storage screen will come up. On top of this hindering the efficiency of my work, in class the internet can get so crowded that I'm unable to open both Capcut and my gallery effectively destroying my ability to work on this commercial during class. The last of my issues is my unfamiliarity with Capcut still. I spent a little more time than I'd like to admit trying to crop a photo to fit on my commercial. I also would accidentally press random buttons that would take me to a membership page or completely alter my commercial drastically. I'm still trying to effectively use the app and learn how to not get overwhelmed and exit it out. Its not all doom and gloom however, as I've gotten various things done successfully on my commercial. I added a cover to my commercial, and I incorporated another photo to link my commercial better. I feel as through my failures with the app I've come out more knowledgeable about the software. I also feel on track to complete the commercial by its due date the only roadblock I can see at the current moment is my phone storage not allowing me to continue work on my project. I've tried everything possible to remove some space on my phone to allow me to open the project and nothing has worked except going through my gallery and tediously removing photos and videos which can prove to be pretty time consuming. In terms of my commercial though I added a new segment. I added the 30 second video of me playing soccer with a bunch of kids at the park. I had to severely trim this clip down to insert into my commercial in a way that made sense. My commercial in total is now one minute and 4 seconds long including my 5 photos, intro and video. By next blog I plan to insert one more video and to evenly spread the 3 songs into thirds of the video depending on how it fits into the video. That's all bloggers thank you for reading and hope you have a splendid day!
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