Production Blog

 Hey bloggers I'm back for another bi-weekly update on how things are running. I haven't done too much to my commercial to drastically change it. One thing I have done however is fixing the storage problem occurring with my phone. It took a few hours but after taking it to my provider they helped clear out most of my storage. With this I can now work freely on my commercial without any worries which should improve the quality of my commercial and increase the speed I can get it produced. I've been somewhat procrastinating putting my commercial together for a few days as I had a creative block that I couldn't get over. But today I started rewatching the Cars movie from 2006. I was watching the movie in 2 times speed just looking for a clip that I feel like represented me and my childhood. I was very split between various different clips of the movie and found myself trying to choose a clip for about 30 minutes. There were various clips in different sceneries that I just couldn't choose, like Daytona 500, the garages, the offroad tracks. Not to mention clips of all the different characters, a clip that I felt resembled me felt almost impossible to choose. I finally chose a clip to add as my second video of my commercial, after careful thought I chose a clip with the 2 characters I felt had the most impact on my life. I chose a clip including Doc Hudson racing by himself and McQueen watching him in shock and utter disbelief. I vividly remember this clip even before I rewatched the movie and when I saw it I just knew it was the clip I needed. After cropping the video and adjusting it to fit and incorporating it to the end of my slideshow I felt great satisfaction. Now my last step in the production of my commercial was inserting the songs I would be using the extraction feature on Capcut. I looked at my research and planning blog to remind myself of what I chose, and I felt as though those songs didn't mesh well with my commercial. Now I planned on using a Playboi Carti song, but he tends to be explicit, so I'd have to be careful using his songs. I also considered another artist I enjoy which was LUCKI but he also has the same issue so my last part of my commercial will be the search of a song that I feel makes sense with my commercial. Thats all bloggers thank you for reading and hope you have a magnificent day!! 


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