Production Blog: Beginning editing for my Music Video

 Hey bloggers as you may know I've been working on my music video along side all of my groupmates. As a group we decided to split apart during the editing phase and we would all use our own methods. In the end we plan on coming together as a group and selecting the best music video production. In terms of what I'm doing, I plan on using Cap Cut again with my mastery from the previous project and try to create a high-quality production. I've been considering the Cap Cut membership to get access to all of the premium features and transitions to enhance the quality of my work. I ran into issues almost immediately into starting my editing. When Constanza was sending me the clips we had previously recorded they would corrupt or have horrific quality. We tried various methods, we tried emailing, texting and nothing seemed to work at all. But finally we got it to work by embedding it onto a shared word document and it appeared to be perfectly fine. The only problem I had after this is transferring it to my phone afterwards so I could upload it onto Cap Cut. I still ran into the same storage problem on my phone and the music video being such a large video only made it harder to deal with. I tried cutting the video into smaller segments but that got far too complicated and still had a hard time fitting into my phones storage. In the end I had to do another excruciatingly frustrating sweep through my phone. This deprived me of some of my creative spirit and took an irritating 60 minutes. Due to me not being in the best mindset while trying to edit I felt that my editing was bland and repetitive. I went down almost the exact same path I went on during my first project which was the commercial about me. I knew I had to change something but I let my mind get into a better state the next day so that I could rationally think and design. For this project I wanted to do something completely different and unique than that of my first commercial. So the following day I put all of my mind towards it and I tried experimenting with different fonts, transitions, implementing icons and messing with the lighting and saturation of the film, I am only halfway done but there are still exciting things to come. Thanks for reading bloggers and hope you have a great day.


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